How a Fort Myers, FL Bankruptcy Attorney Can Help You Save Your House from Foreclosure


Facing the possibility of foreclosure can be one of the most stressful situations a homeowner may ever experience. In Fort Myers, FL, countless homeowners are grappling with this daunting prospect, unsure of their options for relief. Fortunately, hiring a Fort Myers bankruptcy attorney can offer effective solutions to help you save your house from foreclosure. [...]

How a Fort Myers, FL Bankruptcy Attorney Can Help You Save Your House from Foreclosure2024-11-13T13:52:43+00:00

The Benefits of Filing a Cape Coral, Florida Bankruptcy Handled by a Local Bankruptcy Attorney


In the growing city of Cape Coral, FL, the sun shines brightly on serene canals and the hustle and bustle of everyday people. However, beneath this idyllic exterior, many residents grapple with financial difficulties, facing the daunting prospect of bankruptcy. For those in this predicament, hiring a skilled bankruptcy attorney can make all the difference. [...]

The Benefits of Filing a Cape Coral, Florida Bankruptcy Handled by a Local Bankruptcy Attorney2024-09-19T15:08:15+00:00

Business Bankruptcy Options for Business Owners


Did you know that the average business lasts about ten years? When businesses reach this milestone, the owners must determine whether the company has a chance of surviving the next decade. It may be an option to file for bankruptcy, but this isn't always as bad as it sounds. When a business files for bankruptcy, [...]

Business Bankruptcy Options for Business Owners2022-07-21T06:07:33+00:00

Ready to start saving 10% of your income?


Ready to start saving 10% of your income? Need a Certified Financial Planner(“CFP”)? By Ryan J. Really  Attorney -Teacher- Veteran   There is so much to discuss about Certified Financial Planners (“CFP”) that cannot be covered in one article. Here is some background to help get you started in the “systematic savings” game. You can [...]

Ready to start saving 10% of your income?2022-10-26T12:22:09+00:00

How Does Bankruptcy Help You Handle Small Business Debts?


The coronavirus pandemic has decimated businesses nationwide. Unsurprisingly, small businesses are among the hardest hit. Many small business owners have chosen to close their doors rather than continue to struggle. Among those determined to stay in business, bankruptcy rates have gone up by around 40 percent.  Filing for bankruptcy can be a high-impact way to [...]

How Does Bankruptcy Help You Handle Small Business Debts?2021-05-18T08:18:27+00:00

Bankruptcy Options For Homeowners


Although a federal appeals court recently took away one of the options for homeowners in bankruptcy, a number of good alternatives exist for distressed homeowners looking for refuge. In Failla v. Citibank, the Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals, which includes Florida, Georgia, and Alabama, ruled that homeowners who surrender their houses in bankruptcy cannot contest subsequent foreclosure [...]

Bankruptcy Options For Homeowners2021-03-05T16:01:21+00:00

The One Page Resume


“The Resume Gets You the Interview and the Interview Gets You the Job.” -Ryan Really Truth be told, my most recent one-page resume still has WordPerfect keystrokes on it from college in 1991.  I am afraid to scrap it as it has always been an effective resume getting me interviews most of the time.   [...]

The One Page Resume2020-10-05T16:50:02+00:00

Frequently-Asked Bankruptcy Questions


How will I know when I need to file bankruptcy? You will be overwhelmed by debt and unable to reduce your debts at a reasonable pace.  You may have lawsuits filed against you, and garnishments against your wages, tax refunds, and even bank accounts. Your assets may be threatened with seizure. You may have a [...]

Frequently-Asked Bankruptcy Questions2020-05-21T18:49:25+00:00

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy in a Nutshell


Bankruptcy laws provide individuals with two main avenues to debt relief: Chapter 7 and Chapter 13. Chapter 7 bankruptcy, also called liquidation or straight bankruptcy, is the type of bankruptcy filed by most people. Chapter 7 bankruptcy discharges or eliminates the most common types of debt that cause problems for consumers such as credit card [...]

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy in a Nutshell2020-04-24T18:33:57+00:00

What to Know About Florida Bankruptcy Exemptions


As in many states, Florida employs a list of exemptions that can protect your property when you file for bankruptcy. Which bankruptcy chapter you file under, either Chapter 7 or 13, will determine what happens to any nonexempt property you hold. Under Chapter 7 bankruptcy, a bankruptcy trustee will sell all nonexempt property and distribute the profits to creditors. [...]

What to Know About Florida Bankruptcy Exemptions2020-03-27T20:38:11+00:00

Does Bankruptcy Eliminate All of My Debts?


For many people, discharging debt is a primary goal of bankruptcy. However, you may be wondering, “Does bankruptcy clear all debt?” The answer is, it depends. Read below to learn more about what types of debt can be eliminated in bankruptcy. For more information about your specific situation, contact Ryan J. Really, Attorney at Law, PLLC. [...]

Does Bankruptcy Eliminate All of My Debts?2020-02-28T21:55:13+00:00

Ava Maria FL Bankruptcy Attorney


Life is full of unexpected problems. When a sudden disability, divorce or job loss leaves you hemorrhaging money, your unpaid bills continue to pile higher and higher. With your financial future on the line, a fresh financial start may seem impossible. However, filing for bankruptcy may bring you that much needed relief. With an experienced Ava Maria FL bankruptcy [...]

Ava Maria FL Bankruptcy Attorney2019-11-21T21:53:52+00:00

M.S. Florida, Ohio


Ryan Really you CHANGED my life! I was confused, uncertain, and frightened! I franticly searched the web for legal advice, someone who would take my best interest to heart. Embarrassed, I certainly was not going to ask my friends and neighbors: “Do you know a good Bankruptcy Attorney? I called three Law firms; you were [...]

M.S. Florida, Ohio2017-01-04T08:37:24+00:00

A.S.B. Florida, Ohio


Ryan’s attention to detail & thorough knowledge of the law is not only admirable, but also a great relief for someone going through a difficult situation. Bankruptcy is not an easy route to choose, but with the help of Ryan, the entire process was painless.

A.S.B. Florida, Ohio2017-01-04T08:36:49+00:00

Andrew B


Ryan has taken a personal approach that has really helped my wife and I through a difficult time. He takes the time to explain things in a way that reduced our stress from the very first meeting. We wanted an expert for assistance, and he has exceeded our expectations by also providing that human element [...]

Andrew B2017-01-04T08:36:20+00:00
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