Black Eyed Peas’ former manager files for bankruptcy


The former business manager for the Black Eyed Peas filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy last week in Los Angeles, claiming he owes between an estimated $500,000 and $1 million. Sean Larkin, 41, was fired by the Black Eyed Peas after they learned he had not filed tax or federal tax returns for several years. Larkin [...]

Black Eyed Peas’ former manager files for bankruptcy2012-04-24T18:17:29+00:00

Youngstown reports descrease in bankruptcies


The U.S Bankruptcy Court for one of the Northern Districts of Ohio has reported a decrease in bankruptcy filings in 2010 as compared to 2009. According to the American Bankruptcy Institute, the national average of bankruptcy filings rose by 9 percent and the courts in Youngstown reported a decrease of three percent. In 2009, the [...]

Youngstown reports descrease in bankruptcies2011-01-17T14:20:31+00:00

Kaufman’s files for Chapter 7 bankruptcy


Kaufman's in Wheeling filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy last month. According to court documents, Kaufman's Inc. listed $352,716.80 as assets and $883,231.67 in bankruptcy petition. The inventory that was listed in the petition includes 331 wedding dresses and 1,503 formal dresses. In Chapter 7 bankruptcy, a bankruptcy trustee sells the non exempt products of the [...]

Kaufman’s files for Chapter 7 bankruptcy2011-01-10T20:17:43+00:00
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