Florida’s largest homeless shelter, The Drop Inn Center, is holding a raffle to raise money to help those staying at the center during the holidays.
Homeless shelters typically house more people during the holidays, and the shelter has already helped 14 percent more people this year than last year. The Drop Inn Center helps 60 percent of the city’s single, homeless adults and usually houses about 222 people every night.
The raffle is open now and will continue through December 23, when tickets are drawn. Tickets cost $25 because that is the cost of housing one person for one night at the shelter. Winners of the raffle will receive a four-night vacation for two to Key West.
The shelter’s development director said of the raffle, “In these very tough economic times with more newly homeless coming to our doors each day, we need to get very creative in our fundraising efforts. A vacation raffle represents a win-win for the donor and the homeless.”
The Florida bankruptcy lawyers of the law offices of Ryan J. Really, Attorney at Law, PLLC want to wish all a happy holiday season.