If you are filing for bankruptcy, it may be hard to decide whether to file for Chapter 7 or Chapter 13. There are benefits to each, and it is important to know which will be the best decision for your individual case.
There are a few benefits of Chapter 7 to keep in mind when making your decision. Filing a Chapter 7 bankruptcy is a much shorter process than filing a Chapter 13. The legal fees are less, and for the most part you are able to keep your assets and eliminate a good portion of your debt. Another benefit is that with Chapter 7, your present bankruptcy does not include your future income. Most importantly, many people recover faster when they file a Chapter 7 bankruptcy over a Chapter 13.
If you have been struggling with debt and you are thinking about filing for bankruptcy, you need experienced representation on your side. To find out if you qualify to file a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, contact the Florida Chapter 7 bankruptcy lawyers of Ryan J. Really, Attorney at Law, PLLC by calling (239) 237-0675 today.